About Me

With a degree in UX design and a minor in education, I focus on the relationship between learning theories and the iterative design process and how that can elevate my designs. Both require the same empathy, understanding, and care for a person which is why I love both disciplines.

I was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. I love hanging out with my big family, they mean the world to me. They have shaped me into who I am today, and I work hard to show my younger cousins that anything is possible with hard work.

My future career goal is to work with companies that hold the same values that I do, ensuring that technology is developed holistically, regardless of race, class, or identity. I not only want to create for all but want to be a role model for future designers of color that their ideas matter and are valuable.


My Hobbies: Twitch & TikTok

Currently, I have been loving streaming on Twitch. I have always had a passion for understanding social media and how people grow and create a platform for themselves, so I decided to give it a try. I have been streaming for less than a year and gained over 6,000 followers across TikTok, Twitch, and Twitter. Social media has been a difficult but rewarding hobby, and I have learned so much about the “influencer” industry because of this.